Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stimulating the Economy

As most of you know, my name is Emily, and I'm a shoe addict. I love shoes. Heels, flats, slippers, sandals...I love them all. In fact, I have quite a collection hanging in my closet right now, begging for attention. Before bedrest, John forbid me to wear my heels for fear I might take a tumble and harm the baby. Then once I was sentenced to the couch, it became silly for me to wear shoes at all. I mean come on, who needs to wear ballet flats with sweat pants? So for now I pull out a pair of flats for my doctor's appointments on Tuesdays, and other than that it's the occasional pair of flip flops.

Since I haven't even worn shoes in a while, there's no need to buy shoes, right? Well, I have to say that the bug has bitten again. A few weeks ago, Mom called and told me that she and Mindy were out shopping, and that Dillards was having one of their fabulous shoe sales. You know the ones. The sales where racks and racks of $100 shoes are marked down to ridiculously low prices? I love those sales! I also know that when those are going on in the store, it's a great time to find really good bargains at Since I've been saving my "allowance," except for the ice cream I buy on my way home from the doctor's office, I had shoe money ready to go. And lucky for me too, because I found these beauties...

I think they're awesome. They were originally around $70, and they were marked down to...wait for it...$14.22! Woohoo! With tax and shipping, I only ended up paying around $20. You can't beat that, right? And yes, I will be wearing these on the couch with my sweatpants. :o)

1 comment:

  1. That's my girl! Don't forget about your coat addiction too! You will probably soon face an intervention!
