Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Appointment Update: With Illustration!

Well, it's doctor day again, and I had a pretty good appointment. I learned that eating fudge-covered chocolate chip granola bars on the way to a non-stress test is a bad idea. I arrived at the doctor's office and was taken back to the NST room. They were excited to tell me about a new recliner they had just received. Instead of the hard, uncomfortable chair they used to have, they had a plush, cushy, Lazyboy-type chair. The seat had a terry cloth-like cover on it "in case someone's water breaks while they're sitting in it," the nurse told me. Needless to say, this new chair made the NST much more comfortable. Which is good, because it took 45 minutes to get a good reading. Last week the nurse had to come in and shake my belly to wake the baby up, but this week he was moving so much that the monitor couldn't pick up his heart rate consistently. The nurse was finally able to move the monitor and tighten it down so the baby couldn't move away, and we got the good readings we were looking for.

Next was the ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid. I couldn't wait for this part, because as I mentioned previously, the baby felt like he was in some strange position. I was even more sure of it when the NST nurse had to move the monitor to my side to get the heartbeat reading. To my surprise though, the baby was head down. The rest of his body, however, was stretched out all over the place. I pointed below my ribs and asked, "So what's that?" The ultrasound tech said it was my baby's big stomach (okay, she didn't say big. I just added that part because it feels big). "But, his feet have been kicking way over here, by my kidney," I said. "Yeah, he's kind of stretched out in this position, " she said, while making a big "C" with the ultrasound wand. This was weird to me, so I decided to include this illustration for a better view.

After the ultrasound I went to be weighed (haven't gained any weight the last few weeks...yay!), and then saw the doctor. She measured my belly with the tape measure and said I was still on target. We discussed my induction the week before my due date, and she talked to me about going into labor before then. She agreed that I probably wouldn't deliver early, but at least I know when to go to Labor and Delivery if that happens. She also said that I don't need to go to the Perinatologist any more. We'll continue my testing at her office, and the bedrest is working for keeping my blood pressure down, so there's really no need to see the specialist. This is very good news. I'm starting to feel like this is a "normal" pregnancy, even though I only get out of the house once a week.

Things are starting to come together for the baby. We have the crib and dresser put together, so we just need to assemble the changing table, and then we can arrange the furniture and start putting things away (pictures coming soon). I've received several gifts and clothes and such, so I want to get those sorted out and put away. Baby will be here before we know it!

My big belly at 35 weeks


  1. I'm pretty sure you missed your calling. That picture looks EXACTLY like you. Not the one above...the one above that. My grandson is a stick baby! I love that hour glass figure too, more like a mixing bowl figure! The visual helped to see how he could be everywhere at once. I think Lil Bean is a bouncer!

  2. I'm still convinced that this whole birthing process would be so much more convenient for all parties involved if we just laid eggs. Am I right? I'm right, right?

  3. 35 Weeks! Yay!

    Oh, and Sabre, I think humans were marsupials before the fall. The fruit incident really screwed things up.
