Tuesday, February 17, 2009

All Is Well

Today was doctor day, and I was a little anxious because of my visit to Labor and Delivery this weekend. The non-stress test went okay. Baby was feeling sluggish and sleepy, so it took about 45 minutes for him to get a "good enough" reading.

Next was the ultrasound, and we got a full growth study today. She measured the fluid, which was still good (whew!), and then she measured the baby's head, stomach, heart, kidneys, and other various body parts. At the end she told me I was measuring 36 weeks and 6 days (I don't even turn 36 weeks officially until Thursday!), and our little one is weighing 6 lbs. 4 oz. so far. She made sure I knew that ultrasound weight estimations are not always on target, so he may be a little bigger or smaller, but I still feel like he's big! My OB said he was in average range though, so she wasn't worried about it.

He still looked perfect in the ultrasound, so we got good news today. Still on target for induction in a little over three weeks! I was also able to talk with the doctor about my anxiety for the pain of some of the upcoming tests and such, and she was very understanding and comforting. I'm feeling a little better about those as well, but your prayers are still very much appreciated!

Stay tuned tomorrow for Tales From the Funny Farm: Installment Three!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear!

    How in the heck do you not like DuckTales? I can sing the whole song word-for-word right now!
