Friday, February 20, 2009

A Nice Little Off-the-Couch Treat

I had some friends over for lunch today. We had a great time. Visitors always make my day so much better. After they left, I decided to let the dogs outside. This is sort of my one chore of the day, and it usually sends my blood pressure through the roof.

After having really high readings the last few days, I decided to try taking a rest after I let the dogs out before trekking back up the stairs. So I went out, hooked everyone up, and then looked around, noticing what a nice day it was outside. The sun is out and the temperature is pretty warm.

I was thinking that it's a lovely day for the park, but since that is out of the question, I took a seat on our porch swing for a bit. That can't be a whole lot different that sitting on the couch, right? I sat and watched the doggies rolling around in the grass while the neighbor burned his trash in a barrel. It was nice. I think there is something to this whole Vitamin D from the sun thing I've been hearing about.

In other news, I think this weekend will prove to be an exciting one. At least it will be entertaining. My parents and sister are coming up tomorrow. I haven't seen them since Christmas, and I'm really looking forward to it. My sister has been talking all week about eating Andy's Frozen Custard, and I've been daydreaming about it, so I think they'll have to pick some up for me too.

The nursery should be pretty close to finished by Sunday, and I can't wait, because my church group is having a baby shower for me! I can't wait. We had one for family and friends planned in January, but I was put on bedrest three days after the invitations went out. This will be really fun. I haven't seen everyone in over a month.

After this weekend, it will just be a waiting game for Lil Bean ( as my mom likes to call the baby) gets here. Then the real fun begins!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

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