Monday, February 16, 2009

Another L & D Scare!

Some of you who follow my Twitter (still trying to figure out what that's all about) may have noticed that I spent another afternoon in Labor and Delivery yesterday. It was by far my scariest trip to the hospital yet. I won't give you the specific details of what happened, because they're a little too personal for the Internet, but I will tell you that around 1:00p.m. yesterday we were almost sure we'd be having a baby by the end of the day. Luckily, the test the nurse did to confirm was inconclusive, and we left the hospital with several nurses and at least one doctor completely baffled.

The nice thing is that, for now, our little one is still nestled safely inside his mama. The not-so-nice thing is that no one is sure what happened, and I'm still have a bit of the "symptoms" today. I go to my regular OB tomorrow (actually, I guess I can stop saying that, since I'm not seeing the Perinatologist anymore...yay!), and they're going to do a full ultrasound to check the growth of the baby. I'm hoping that if anything looks fishy in there, they'll be able to tell.

Also, please do some heavy praying, because I think from here on out things are going to get painful. End-of-pregnancy tests are not the most pleasant, and I'm not a good patient when it comes to them. I'll keep you all updated about the appointment tomorrow. Let's hope this little guy continues baking for another few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. "Fishy in there"? I KNEW he didn't have legs yet! Still a lil' mer-baby.

    Seriously, I'm glad you're both alright. Prayers granted.
