Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Life of Squirrels

I joked with a friend today that I was going to blog about squirrels today, so here it is. This clever little guy was determined to get the seed out of our "squirrel-proof" feeder. I couldn't get it on camera, but at one point he was hanging upside-down by his back feet. I scared him off after I took the picture. We have a squirrel feeder, for gosh sakes!

I had an interesting day today. A friend was bringing lunch over, so after getting up, eating some cereal, and catching of bit of Live! With Regis and Kelly, I took my blood pressure and planned to hop in the shower. My BP reading was very high, so I called John to let him know I was getting in the shower and if he hadn't heard from me in an hour I might be in trouble.

I started feeling really bad in the shower, like I was going to faint. Then I started getting nauseous and out of breath. I finished my shower as fast as I could and sat down to take my blood pressure again. I took it four times, but my heart was beating so fast and irregularly that it wouldn't register on the monitor. Finally, after getting dressed and laying down for 10 minutes or so, it registered and my blood pressure was back to a low reading.

After that scary morning I was glad to be having company over. We had a great lunch and a good time discussing our pregnant bellies and aching bodies. I chilled out the rest of the day and just took it easy. It was a much better day than yesterday!