Thursday, January 22, 2009

If you were bedridden...

At my job, we have an informal email ring affectionately called SOTD, or Song of the Day. Our moderator, Adam, sends out a song of the day, a fact about this day in history, and a question to get conversation going. This is just a fun way to break up the monotony of the day, and often it results in wild rabbit trails. It also provides me a way to stay connected to my friends and coworkers. Social interaction, even through email, is very helpful.

So, much to my pleasant surprise, today's SOTD topic was something along the lines of "What would you do if you were bedridden for months?" You can imagine my excitement! The conversation started as expected, with the common answers like reading books, watching movies, that kind of thing. But oh, I knew it would get interesting. By the end of the day, it was suggested by a certain colleague that I hang up a Nerf basketball hoop and impersonate Dennis Rodman. I think the final verdict was that I should read Shakespeare by candlelight with a mug of green tea. Maybe not the most practical suggestion, but it was definitely a good time. Thanks, guys!

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