Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend of Lame

Ugh. Okay, I've tried not to complain, but today I just can't help it. This weekend was been the worst one so far. Not that it's been different from the rest, but it's just getting old. Weekends should be the best part of the week. I don't know why I feel they're so much worse, but I do.

Most of you know that John has been working extremely hard to get our other house finished and ready to put on the market by Delivery Day. He's doing a really good job. He works all day at the insurance company, and then he eats something quick (usually Ramen noodles), goes over to the other house (which is five minutes away from the office), changes into work clothes, and does some project (painting, cleaning, taping, etc.) until 9:30 or 10:00 that night. Then he comes home, puts his stuff down, showers, eats a snack, and goes to bed. The next morning he's up (before I am, of course), leaves, and does it all again. He's very determined to get the house done, and I think he's going to. I am proud of him.

But on my end, life is not the best. My first month or so of bedrest, I would sit here on the couch like I always do and wait all day until John got off work. He'd come home, we'd have dinner together, and then he'd work on the nursery or some other household chore, and if I was lucky we'd get to watch an episode of one of our favorite shows together. The days were long, but at least I had something to look forward to at the end of the day. I don't have that anymore.

I'm glad that John is working so hard. It's going to be so good for us to get the house sold, and I think it will sell quickly once it's finished. It will also be great to be done with it and to not have to worry about doing projects over there anymore. John is taking a week off when the baby is born (next Saturday!), and he'll get to spend all his time with us. I don't wish that he were doing things differently, because he's doing great things for our little family. I just wish that I weren't alone all the time.


  1. Don't be lonely! Soon you'll never be alone again and baby will give you lots of company! If I didn't have to work I'd come and sit with you all day! :) Love ya!

  2. Just think of all of the B-ball you'll get to watch this week. That should help the time go by quicker. I think about you lots lately... mostly in relation to your BP during bedlam etc... glad you're on the final stretch. Take care of you and baby... and hubby.

  3. If God said "GO", we would move next door in a heart beat and be best friends! But He has a better plan and after this week, your life is going to be so full. It will all be so worth it. Children really are God's gift to us. Your girls have been an absolute blessing to me every single day. You have made life full and interesting and so much fun! I wish we were closer in distance and I know someday we will be. We will have lunch dates, baby dates so you and John can go out and Friday night game nights! All in God's timing! Love you like a little pig! Mom
